The LA Urban Rangers are wrapping up a three year Malibu Project to celebrate public beaches one last time. They are offering three mini-safari's at 11am, 1pm and 3pm on Saturday, February 27th. No sign up and all are welcome to come along!
These tours are meant to share how to access these beaches peacefully, legally, safely and respectfully.
Gadget or device art is a great tool for ecovisualization. This is an interesting symposium happening Feb. 18 & 19th at UC Los Angeles. Gadget OK! (also an exhibition) will explore new ways of bridging art, design, technology, science and entertainment using both latest innovations and everyday technology.
For those of us who have followed the art and ecology movement over the last two decades, Mel Chin is considered an influential pioneer combining art with brownfield remediation. His famous or infamous Revival Field (1989-ongoing) funded with NEA money that was rescinded then later reinstated, demonstrated the natural processes of removing heavy metals from soil using hyper accumulator plants. He did this project in collaboration with an agronomist at a landfill site in Minnesota.
Mel will be in Los Angeles next week to give a talk on his Fundred Dollar Bill Project in New Orleans. If you have never heard him speak, you should go, with the promise that you will be entertained and educated. Being an artist should be so much fun!